Colours of Freedom

Party      : Reunion (Private Party)
Date       : 31st May 2006
Venue     : BT Homestay
Invitees  : Very close friends
Theme    : Colours of Freedom (Bob Marley)

Colours of Freedom: RED, YELLOW and GREEN colours for the theme. It's a private party in more into reunion party with my very close friends, my childhood friends.

Our musics are more into Ska for it's a Bob Marley Jamaican Theme.The guys are very rock n roll and cool. Our foods are nice and the drinks are tasty. 
What I love about private party is you can do whatever you wanna do, all the people in that party are very close to you, you don't have to worry about safety, or any embarrassing acts. Hahha. Well, our party starting is good. We cooked together, I love it when everybody takes part in preparing. 

i've made a great themed video of this party in 2006. I made a CD and everybody in the party got the party CD. Too many funny things happened in that party, we have this funny 'tiger show', limbo rock, lot of dance and crazy acts. 

we ended the party at 5am! some haven't sleep- cleaning all our messes. Hahha. But it's a great party. Haven't party with 'em for quite sometimes. Wish we have a good time together again, someday.