Life is Too Short to Drink Bad Wine

Party Tips

                    How To Hide Signs of a Hangover
I hate hangover! A pounding headache isn't a hangover only curse. Drinking a lot of alcohol causes dehydration in the skin as well as expanded blood vessels (vasolidation) - the culprit behind puffy eyes,flushed skin and excessive sweat.But you can offset the damage.

  • Soothe and Elevate-Skin normally loses moisture at night and alcohol exacerbates the dehydration because it's a diuretic.Before you go to sleep,slather on a face cream to reduce that tight,dry feeling in the morning.Sometimes when i really drunk,I won't think of any of these,but discipline is a must-have!Also,sleep on one or two extra pillows so you minimise any next-day eye puffiness.Swollen blood vessels often become leaky,causing fluid to spill into your skin's tissue. It mainly noticeable around your eyes, where the skin is very thin.The more upright you are, the easier it is for that fluid to drain.
  • Come Clean-Because swollen blood vessels bring more heat to the surface of your skin,alcohol makes you sweat more,which may make your scalp oilier than normal.So make sure you wash your hair thoroughly the next morning.A peppermint or eucalyptus face wash can make you feel awake and alert,too.But skip any face or body products that contain aplha hydroxyl acid or beta hydroxyl acid-your skin is more sensitive when you're hungover and anything acidic may cause a burning sensation.
  • Open your Eyes-Dab on small amount of eye cream to take down any inflammation that may have occured while you were sleeping.If your eyes are bloodshot,you can try using some eyedrops which reduce redness.
  • Camouflage the damage-A mineral-based foundation will conceal red splotches without clogging pores or irritating your skin.Then sweep on a little blush to disguise the swallowness that often comes with a hangover.But don't go overboard or you'll look flushed.
How To Spruce up Your Place
When you spontaneously invite everyone over and need to spruce up your place fast,the first thing you should tend is your soundtrack.The while you tidy up and it will seem like the party is in full swing by the time your first guests arrive.

  • Grab and stash-Designate one cupboard or room as off-limits to guests by turning off the lights and closing the door.Not only can you skip cleaning in here, you'll also have a place to toss clothes,books and magazines in the last minute before the doorbell rings.
  • Scratch the surface-In the kitchen,clear the countertops and consolidate all dishes in a huge basin or dishwasher.Next,sweep clutter off coffee tables,desks and other flat surfaces,and go over them with an all-purpose cleaner.If you have hardwood floors,run a brush around the edges and corners of the room,where dust tends to gather;for carpets or rugs,just pick up any visible fuzz with your hands.
  • Tend to the bathroom-Products like household cleaning wipes are brilliant;they make it possible to clean the entire bathroom in about two seconds.Put out a couple of nice guest towels and a fresh bar of soap -these little details make a big impression.
  • Set The Mood-Turn off glaring overhead lights in favour or more flattering table lamps and always have plenty of candles on hand-tea lights can be scattered to create a soft glow and room sprays or scented candles give the house a welcoming smell.Choose whatever scented candle that immediately makes you happy-but just make sure it isn't too overwhelming.lavender is calming and citrus has a clean smell,but spicy scents such as cinnamon or maple can be overly sweet or heavy.But dont get burn when everybody's drunk!:-D
  • Party time-After you throw on your slinky outfit,you can focus on the little extras as people start to arrive.For example,you can pull out pretty cocktail napkins,jewel-coloured glasses and a bottle of wine from the fridge.Once you pop the cork,how could you not be ready for a party?
 How to Chat Easily at a Party
I used to left a dinner party wishing I'd been seated next to someone else.But no matter how boring or intimidating a person may seem,each one has a great story.Once you tap into this,the conversation will flow naturally from there.
  • Read all about it-Make a particular effort to read the newspaper if you're going to a party that night.Knowledge of current events can help fill and dulls.
  • Ease in-When you feel daunted by someone,ask them about their early days-things like their childhood or first job.It's much easier than trying to establish a connection over some impersonal topic.You'll be able to warm up even the most frosty-looking banker once you get him talking about his kids.Or if someone's married,ask how they met their spouse.Asking about people's family leads to a spirited discussion.My Sims game even prioritize this. :-D
  • Be bold,not brash-Don't consider any topic of conversation to be off-limits,not even politics or religion.Most people generally respond well to candour.That said,never put a person on a spot,especially about their work.Once you've formed a bond over something personal,you can test the waters,but don't jump into controversional issues right away.
  • Don't fake it-Instead of pretending to understand more than you do about someone's work or interest,pose simple questions.Go right up and say "I have no idea what you do all day.How does it work?"

How To Have More Energy at Night
Often,when I throw a party,later at night,I will feel so exchausted and sometimes,my mind only think of my lala land.Our bodies actually start to wind down in the late afternoon.If you balance eating well with a little physical activity,you can fight off that tiredness and feel more alert when you go out.That's one reason I'm having my work out during festive off or on season.

  • Hit the gym-Try to exercise in the late afternoon or early evening-the energy boost from 30 minute workout lasts for hours.Anything that gets your body revved up does the trick - running,cycling,brisk walking.
  • Eat a little,a lot-Skipping meals deprives your body of necessary fuel.And it leaves you in a low-blood sugar slump that's difficult to recover from later.So eat mix of satisfying wholegrains,lean proteins and healthy fats throughout the day: yogurt and mixed greens with fish for lunch,cheese and fruit for snack.
  • Power through it-If possible,take a short nap before heading out.A 20-minute rest is all you need-anything more will make you sluggish.Set an alarm and leave it across the room so you have to get up.If you don't have the time for that (or you're going out straight from work),tune into some upbeat music on your iPod.Studies show that doing this provides a psychological and physical lift.
  • Check in-If you want to grab a coffee or a green tea, afternoon is the best time to do it-the effects of caffeine can linger for up to six hours.After 8pm,avoid processed sugar since it causes your energy to drop an hour or more later!
  • Party well-Dancing is a great way to keep your energy up.But alcohol can make you sleepy,so go easy on the Wine if you really wanna make it.If possible,bring a bottle of mineral water with lime with you every few hours.And if you're really starting to drag,try the classic runner's trick-dab a little cold water on your wrists and the back of your neck.This bumps up your heart rate slightly,which could be all you need.
How To Serve Great Cocktails
Making cocktails takes skill,but you don't need to flip bottles in the air to be good.The key is to buy the right ingredients and master a few drinks.
  • Stock up-Every home bar need the essential bases:gin,vodka,rum,tequila and scotch whisky,as well as Campari for aperitifis and mixers like Martini sweet vermouth,Cointreau(indispensable for margaritas and sidecars),and angostura bitters,spend extra on high-end spirits that can be served neat,such as rum and whisky.
  • Equip yourself-Making good drinks requires the right accessories: a pairing knife,a separate cutting board(you dont want your lemon wedges tasting like onions),a jigger (a measure like the ones you see in pubs and bars) for measuring, a metal shaker can and glass mixing cup that join together to form a tight seal, and a long handled spoon for stirring.
  • Expand your expertise-There are certain cocktails that everyone should know how to make, such as martini,Manhattan,mojito and margarita.Once you nail those classics,try more unusual ones,like French 75,old Cuban and Horse's Neck.
  • Learn the tricks-always measure alcohol with a jigger and stick to the amount listed in the recipe.That way,not only will everything you serve taste great every time,but your guests won't be struck with unsippably stiff cocktails.Drinks with clear ingredients should be stirred,while opaque ones need to be shaken to aerate them and produce a smooth texture.A great technique is to shake firmly and slowly for 10 seconds to meld the ingredients.
  • Pour it on-Your cocktail glasses should be 185ml;martini glasses 155ml.If you go larger,the drink will turn warm quickly.And use large ice cubes.For a more unsusual garnish,try a grapefruit twist instead of a lemon.or add a rosemary sprig along with the lime to gin and tonics.
  • Slack off a little-When hosting a large party,let guests help themselves by making a simple margarita mix beforehand.Combine 250ml of tequila,250ml of Cointreau and 185ml of lime juice.Offer hors d'oeuvres like devilled eggs and olives as a complement to martinis.Or you can use mix suitable fruits.Pass around chicken tandoori skewers with citrus-based drinks.Cheese,bread and cream-based nibbles are best with wine.Check my page  drink recipes for cocktails and more drinks recipes.
How to Decode Dress Codes
Dress code used to be simple with clear definitions such as blacks,business or casual but today,everyone is spicing up their invitation,leaving most of the invitees clueless,e.g Ferrari hot or couture chic.The trick is figuring out how formal or casual the event is,and then you can have fun with the dressing theme.
  • What time does the party start?-Evening parties tend to be more formal than afternoon parties and brunches are even less formal than evening and afternoon parties.
  • Where is the party held?-An evening at a fancy hotel’s ballroom or an institution’s hall calls for elegant wear whilst an outdoor party in a formal setting requires you to be a little dressier than the backyard party.
  • Check out the style of the invitation card-Does it come in engraved calligraphy writings on an ivory coloured paper?This hints at a party in a more formal setting.By paying attention to the details and tone of the invitation card such as the design,colour and the type of font used,you’ll be able to figure out the level of formality or casualness of the party.
  • Pay attention to the words used-If the invitation card drops the “ball” word in the party title and the venue happens to be fancy hotel’s ballroom,then this is a good time to bring out your floor-length gown.If it’s a “cocktail” happening at the latest club?No surprise here-a cocktail dress will do.And “chic” or “creative” in the party dress code gives you ample freedom to add on cool accessories,funky jewellery or a colourful shawl to your attire.
  • Last resort-call the host!-If by combining all the clues doesn’t send you any clearer   signal, call the host for further clarification.It’s never inappropriate to ask what’s acceptable for their party and they would gladly help.

How To Play The Best Mix?
      I always ask one of my younger cousin to take control of my lappy and speakers when I throw a party.I don’t mind givin away RM50 for them in return as long as I’m having a good time without getting bugged.But I’ll make sure,I had set the playlist earlier cos I don’t want any lame song in my party being played.If you have DJ friend,You can always call em to man the turntable, but with the advent of iTunes and other music playing software that is easily downloadable,it’s fairly easy to create your own custom-chosen set of tunes to jazz up your night of celebration!
  • Variety is key-Make sure that there is a balanced mix of music styles and era.Unless you’re having a theme party,avoid sticking to a certain era.Suggested formula: 30 percent danceable pop music,25 percent rap music,25 percent songs everyone knows the lyrics to,10 percent current pop music,5 percent of a compilation music CD,and 5 percent of whatever you want.
  • It’s not all about you!-Try also to steer clear of letting only songs you like dominate your mix-especially if the genre is not the mainstream kind!
  • Think “long haul”-A good party mix should be about four hours long.If the mix is too short and you have to repeat the whole set too many times,it can dampen the mood of the night.
  • Watch the volume-It shouldn’t be too loud nor too soft.Party music volume will depend on the type of party you’re throwing and the neighbourhood you’re in.
  • Don’t take it personally-You may have spent hours putting together the perfect mix,but don’t expect anyone to comment on your wonderful choice of music.(some may even criticise the tune).And don’t anticipate for conversation to stop when a good song comes on.The perfect party music sets a mood without any of the partygoers even realising it.You'll know you've put together good party music when it enlivens the party without anyone knowing it.
 How To Politely Decline Party Pests
Rejection is not hard to do when you’ve got these lies;oops  I mean lines in store! Here’s how to handle the guy:

·         Who wants to dance-Say that you’re seeing someone and there are lots of his friends here at this party.Only use the “I have boyfriend” line if he’s someone you’ll never see again or who doesn’t have mutual friends that might tell him it’s a lie.Look around as if here you’re keeping watch and act a little mortified if you must.Alternatively,tell him you’re feeling nauseous and dancing might result in you throwing up.On him.What I always use is telling my girlfriends to ‘keep busy’ with me when someone is about to approach.
·         Who wants your telephone number-Tell him you have a rule not to give out your private phone number.Mention that you’ve had a few negative experiences in the past so he won’t feel like you’re singling him out.Take his number (without promising to call) if it will make him feel better.Offer the poor guy your email address instead,saying you rarely answer your phone,but you check your emails frequently(big lie!hahha). If he emails you,simply reply with a curt but polite note without encouraging him to write again.
·         Who forces you to drink-Tell this person you’re driving a van of friends back home tonight and drinking might jeopardise their lives.You could also say you’re currently on a specific type of long-term medication and its best not to drink (try this in Bundu Tuhan and you’ll never survive!Better off-party.hahha).
·         Who insists on sending you home.-Acknowledge you enjoyed meeting him,but you’re going home with the girlfriends you came with as you feel it’s rude to just jet off with someone you just met.

How to Look Amazing in Party Pictures
Follow these tricks to start unleashing the celebrity in you and strike a pose!
·         Just brows-ing- Groom your brows by tweeting away strays,If you have sparse brows,define them lightly with the help of a brow pencil.
·         Show some skin-Dry and flaky skin just looks dull plus it leaves make-up looking patchy and uneven.Be sure to exfoliate and moisturise regularly.When applying make-up,smoothen out skin with the use of a foundation primer before blending in liquid foundation to create a flawless and even canvas.
·         Intensify-Accentuate eyes with a light smoky eye.This can be easily achieved by smudging a kohl liner outwards up to the crease.Follow up with liner on the upper lash line and mascara.Next enhance your features with a little colour on the apples of the cheeks.
·         Lip service-Give lips the most flattering stain by colouring in a lip shade that is one or two shades darker than your natural tone.Finish off with layer of gloss.
·         Wear flattering clothes-Avoid yellow especially if your skin has rellow undertones and red or pink when you have ruddy skin.For more flattering pictures,go for pastels such as blue,aqua or rose instead.In general,solid colours work better than patterns and for slimming effect,wear clothes in darker shades.
·         Get low-Try V-necks as these work to give the illusion of a longer neck.Well-fitted clothes look better too as too much excess fabric add on pounds in pictures.
·         Avoid the double chin-Turn your face at an angle and raise your neck ever so slightly.Also it’s best that the camera is angled slightly above your eye level.One other trick that might help is to press your tongue against the roof of your mouth when you smile.
·         Stand up straight-To look tall and lean,simply stand up straight,elongate your neck and roll back your shoulders.Also place one foot in front of the other.For a slimming finish every time,place your hand on your waist and rotate your shoulders three quarters of the way in the direction of the camera without moving the rest of your body.
·         Smile and breathe-Don’t hold your breath as that can give you tense expression in pictures.Get the photographer to count to three and at three,breathe out and smile.This will help you achieve a relaxed and genuine smile.

How and When to be Fashionably Late
You know it’s rude to be on time or early for a party right? Still you should never be hours late.Never arrive first and never arrive last.
·         Evaluate the event-if you have an important role to play or if it’s someone’s surprise birthday party,then obviously you can’t be tardy.
·         The reasonable time to arrive-Two or three hours after everyone has arrive is bordering on being rude.Thirty to 45 minutes max is the acceptable time-unless it’s a sit-down dinner.Also check if the party is time-flexible.
·         Making the entrance-Besides what you’re wearing,who bring you as a date (a sloppy or a sexy dude?) and whether you arrive empty-handed matter too.
·         Ditch the last-in,first-out approach-It’s fine to show up a li’l late and still contribute to a party,but giving a cameo appearance can leave people thinking you don’t care.
·         Don’t make it pattern-You don’t want to establish a reputation by exhibiting a chronic pattern of lateness which is very unfashionable!

2008 New Year Street Party

Date:              31st December 2007-1st January 2008
Venue:            The shop outside the house. 
Invitees:         Close friends, families and relatives
What we did:  BBQ, open dance floor of RnB and Shuffle, firecracker at midnight

Well it's a very spontaneous party, we didn't plan for it to be grand however too many friends came and that makes the party became really happening. At first it's raining but not too heavy, we didn't care about that, by midnight, everybody was drunk and that when everybody dance to every beat of the music. I love that party. Everyone enjoyed it. The cocktails great everyone can sip without any 'pause'. What I like the most was we have this rock n roll music and everyone dance in two lines like it was practiced before. Everything's perfect. And everyone's getting wet at the very midnight someone planned to bomb everybody with water!  I also managed to download all the greatest hits of the year and I love it when I play songs, everyone knows the lyric! Everyone shouting, having a really good time and we ended the party at 4am. 

I wish to throw a spontaneous party like this in the future.!


Date              : 30th October 2010
Venue            : My House
Invitees          : 20 person - nieces, nephews, cousins and some close friends
What we did   : Truth or drink game and open dance floor

Well, this party plan just popped in my mind when I browsing the net for pumpkin pictures for my theme idea in my blog. And I really wanna carve pumpkins! So I thought that I wanna carve pumpkins but I don't wanna wasting it though. 
That when I think of throwing the Halloween party. A costumed one. however costume Halloween party is quite costly. I know, not everyone can find their costume, so I decide to make it simple where everybody can follow the theme that is Gothic. You don't have to buy new clothes for this theme. And we did it. 

Since it's for my blog purpose, I invited not more than 20 person. Just my nieces, nephews and cousins. Some have their dad over there in the VIP corner having their own drinks and agendas hahha. I'm glad they enjoy our music as well. No karaoke, just a playlist of rock and Gothic songs and some RnB. I didn't prepare lot foods, just lot of strong liquor and some red wines. And we didn't manage to finish the drinks.

I love the decorations we made. We carved the pumpkins, some murals on the wall and some other cute funny decors. I'm satisfied with the decorations. 

Our main activity is playing game. the TRUTH or DRINK game. Love it. But I guess Everybody suffers from it. Because the only drink I suggested for the game is the Stout Beer which I know everybody couldn't manage to drink after they consume the Jack Daniels and the wine. Hahhaa. You can view all the questions in my 'party game' which i'll upload sooner or later. Some are killer questions. That's why some really condemned in that game. Love it. 

After all, nothing much we did. Just some dance, the twilight slow dance, chit chatting and drinking. Next year will be a different theme, hopefully I can throw the Costumed Halloween party. Looking forward for it.