
  • Have you always wanted to have your time in the spotlight and walk the red carpet? Greet your guests with a personalized Hollywood party sign

  • Set the tone by creating a red carpet for your guests as they arrive. Look for an inexpensive red sheet or material at a second-hand store and cut it to three or four feet or whatever works best for your location. If you have a Polaroid camera, take pictures of your guests as they arrive, and give them the photo to take home. Otherwise, send a digital or print photo later.
  • Inside, set the mood by creating easy and inexpensive Hollywood party theme decorations to use throughout the room. You can use card stock to create a "Hollywood" sign as well as other movie-themed items such as a megaphone, scene marker, director's chair, and more.
  • Make your table settings as elegant as possible using richly colored tablecloths (such as red, burgundy, or black). Use poster board to create an award statue to place on the refreshment table. Give star trophies to give each of your guests, inviting each to come to a center stage and podium to accept the award during or after the main meal. Use some white Christmas lights tastefully throughout the room to add some sparkle and ambiance. Create your own "walk of fame" by making stars from poster board with your guests' names and place them on the floor throughout the room.
  • This theme works great as a dinner party. The menu can include anything you like to cook, but keep it on the elegant and formal side. Consider a rich pasta dish or a meat and vegetables option.
  • For the award part of the party, have champagne or sparkling juice for your guests. Choose your awards carefully so that there will plenty of opportunity for a few laughs.