The Male Party-animal Field Guide

I met various type of guys in lot of parties and some are charming and some are just annoying. Helping you to navigate the world of the Party Animal, here's a field guide and notice some men acting just like these:

Native Habitats:
By the bar; outside the bathroom, anywhere else women congregate.
Common Behaviour:
He's looking for action, usually in the form of the first woman he can lure of the living-room couch, the roof deck, or out the front door.
Mating Ritual:
Aggressive, and blunt, he'll make his intentions known right away. All you have to do is say something before any other breathing female does he's yours.

The minute you show the Prowler you're interested in him, he'll make it his mission to get you back to his place ASAP, but when you show you're not interested in that, he'll seek out another mark.
He's Your Man if:
You're looking for action and don't want to waste the evening wondering whether you're going to score a kiss.

Native Habitats:
Stuck on the sole of your shoe.
Common Behaviour:
The Cling-on always seems to superglue himself to your leg just when you spot a more appealing guy. He's incapable of deciphering any of those "I'm-not-interested" signals.
Mating Ritual:
The Cling-on overwhelms his prey by sticking around where he's not wanted. Trips to the ladies' room don't deter him. The minute you're done, he's back.

Give this guy some attention and he'll be your little pet Energizer Bunny for the duration of the party. Hahah!
He's Your Man if:
Well, he's not your man. Fumigate this pest. Otherwise, he'll be buying you breakfast while you cry over the guy you really wanted.

The Attached Flirt
Native Habitats:
Wherever his girlfriend isn't
Common Behaviour:
This guy has eyes for more than one woman in the room - despite having significant other. He likes the comfort of a girlfriend combined with the attention from a shapely stranger.
Mating Ritual:
He works the ladies in the room for the sheer sport of it. It's his way of reassuring himself that he's still desirable. How far he's willing to walk the line between flirting and lechery varies.

Do I really have to tell you?
He's your Man if:
You want non-threatening attention and an ego boost.

Native Habitats:
Near the front door, greeting new arrivals; in the corner with best view of the rest of the party.
Common Behaviour:
Like the Prowler, this guy only has women on his mind. The main difference is his inability to focus on one target. He's looking for the next best thing to walk by.
Mating Ritual:
He likes to sample wares before committing to one woman. During the "getting to know you" phase-his eyes will dart over your shoulders more often than not.
The Swivel Head often matures into the Attached Flirt if you decide to develop a relationship with one.
He's your Man if:
A casual conversation with a Swivel Head doesn't have to develop into an exclusive dialogue - as with the Prowler or the Cling-on

Native Habitats:
Edge of the dance floor; out on the fire escape; by the stereo reading back of the CD cases.
Common Behaviour:
He's usually on his own, shuffling from the TV to the bar, telling himself there's no point in approaching a woman since any effort is doomed. But the truth is, he's actually just gun-shy, and hey, there's no chance of rejection if he doesn't make the effort.
Mating Ritual:
"If I wait, they will come". His romantic strategy is to walk back and forth in front of any girl to whom he's attracted.

The Cynic is searching for any and all signs that you're not 100percent interested in him. Anything less that overt flirting will be seen as an indication that the two of you will never work out.
He's You Man if:
You like to be the aggressor - if you're willing to work for it, he's all yours for the taking.

Guy's Guy
Native Habitats:
By the beer keg; in front of the TV; anywhere else other guys are.
Common Behaviour:
Whether he's scarfing down by the buffet or playing a game of quarters in the kitchen, the Guy's Guy is always within high-fiving distance of his buddies, aka his masculine pack.
Mating Ritual:
Like all pack animals, Guy's Guy hunt in groups and tend to gravitate towards similar groupings of Girl's Girls. If you attempt a solo approach, grab a wing woman for some support. If a Guy's Guy does hit on you by himself, you can be certain there are at least four sets of eyes out there following his every move.

You may draw him out of the crowd for a few moments but prepare for a group vote and mass posse escort if you leave the premises for some post-party activity.
He's your Man if:
You hate the pressure of a romantic scenario with a guy you've barely met. With all his friends around, it's simple to keep things lite n easy

Native Habitats:
The center of the dance floor; very close to the deejay.
Common Behaviour:
He's the guy with happy feet who's there to have a good time no matter what. All he needs is floor space.
Mating Ritual:
He's there to have fun - meeting a woman is a bonus. Conversation is not as important as the ability to boogie.

Sure, it's fun when he's leading the disco train, but the Lord of the Dance homage can often be a bit too much.
He's You Man if:
Your agenda us nothing more than to have a really good time. Sure, you two might hook up, but getting down is more important than getting it on.