Party Without a Girl

What would a party be without a women? A stick of dynamite without a fuse.

Planning a party and not inviting girls would be like laying a load of dynamite and forgetting the matches.Girls are the mayhem -inducing catalyst at every bash. They are the secret ingredient that can turn a night coal shed into New Year's Eve in Cuba, a half bottle of cheap vodka into an intoxicating elixir. They can make the party hours pass like minutes-and turn the aftermath into week of agony and apology.

The only reason boys go to parties is to meet girls.And after they met them and fooled them into hanging around with em,they go back to parties then stand back in awe, watching girls misbehave.No one makes the most party like a girls: they always turn up looking incredible.Prior to arrival,your hair and make-up must not be touched-in fact,all physical contact is banned.On arrival, you accept drink,comment on the music and the lively nature of the assembled crowd.You have another drink.By the third,you've forgotten all about you hair and have started dancing.Another drink and everybody has to dance.Another and the wrecking spree starts.This is when you gang up with your friends,right the week's wrongs,show off,some humiliate boys and,ultimately fall off.

You may note loudly the other girls in the room are "tarts", demand an end to the relationship and cry into your drink-thus ruining the make-up you spent two days scouring the shops for and an afternoon applying.Then you'll want to put something slow on the stereo and fall back in love.In this fine mood you'll demand to go home.You generally leave a party with the grace of Napoleon retreating from Russia-breaking things,telling them,they don't care.You then ask tearfully: "Am I beautiful?" (Yes.even when you fell down the stairs); then ..."Am I beautiful?" (Yes,even tough you gave me a fat lip for noticing the "tarts".)

Boys hate if girls carried on like this every night, but let's don't. Let's make them feel we are thrilling.Transit from poised,vivacious beauty to something deadly and dangerous.They won't leave party without you.