Throwing Party

At this moment, I am thinking, I'm getting bored of throwing party where no one takes part in helping me. When I think back, it is always me who plan for everything, and spend stuffs for everything (my fiance is an exception in this case cos he's always there for me in everything I do). 

You know suddenly it comes to my mind that, over these years, nobody ever throw party for me! I mean a party of yours where you just have to sit silently in planning, you don't have to prepare the drinks and cocktails recipes, no need to download songs or whatever-arranging your playlist for the party, no need to think of the refreshments - for the party, no need to do anything, and especially no need to bother your financial part! Hahahha.. is always me handling everything when it comes to private party. I love doing it but sometimes, I need a fresh vibe where someone plan it and no need to bother me about anything except expecting me to groove the party. No one ever does that to me?? (question marks indicate realization).

Well, whoever throw party for me, kind enough to plan all and expect me just to rock the party, I'll be so much appreciate her for the rest of my life! hahhaha. yeah.. ! and of course, I'll give a package of complete party along with a nice vacation or any treat that could drive her crazy! :-D 
Why am I posting this? my heart is currently feeling this, I just can't resist it.